
ICRC humanitarian response in South Sudan: January to June 2020

Throughout the first half of 2020, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), together with the South Sudan Red Cross Society (SSRCS), remained active and committed to reaching families and communities affected by conflict and armed violence across South Sudan. We met their urgent humanitarian needs, helped protect their lives and dignity, and build their resilience to recurrent conflict, armed violence as well as the growing impact of climatic shocks.

The emergence and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed our work across South Sudan. It has challenged us to reset our priorities, strengthen our duty of care to our staff, and renew the bonds of partnership that drive our integrated humanitarian response with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement across the South Sudan.

As we emerge into this new phase of our lives with COVID-19, the continuing legacy and impact of decades of conflict and armed violence must remain a priority for the South Sudanese authorities and armed groups, humanitarian organizations and the international community if we are to make decisive steps to alleviate human suffering.

The facts and figures document provides a summary of the impact of the ICRC's humanitarian response in South Sudan from January to June 2020.


South Sudan Facts and Figures Jan-Jun 2020

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