New e-learning tool for health-care workers

Are you a doctor in a conflict zone wondering how to conduct yourself with the media, or a nurse wondering how to respond to requests from the police or the military for information on patients? Are you an ambulance driver unsure what to do when driving through a checkpoint? Are you a hospital administrator wondering how to deal with a large number of dead bodies? Our new e-learning module, entitled "Rights and responsibilities of health-care personnel in armed conflicts and other emergencies" may be just the thing for you.
The module will help health-care personnel to understand their rights and their legal and ethical obligations in situations of armed conflict and other emergencies. Using an engaging multimedia interface, it presents various dilemmas that health-care personnel face every day. Users of the module can explore these issues in depth by interacting virtually with experts in the field and studying situations taken from life; they will also find guidance for making decisions in difficult situations. They can explore the various chapters comprising the module, which contain resources and reference materials that provide detailed information on specific topics.
Access is completely free, and no login is required. Would you like to get started? The module is available online.