Dushanbe (ICRC) – Today, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) provided medical supplies to Ishkashim District Hospital in Gorno–Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast in Tajikistan. The supplies, which include materials for infusions, dressings and sutures, will help to treat wounded people transferred from across the border in Zebak District, in the north‑eastern province of Badakhshan, Afghanistan, where there has been a recent outburst of armed violence.
"These supplies will cover people's present needs," said Claudia Azzolini, head of the ICRC's mission in Dushanbe. "But if the fighting continues in Badakhshan and more wounded people are transferred to Tajikistan, we will need to send more assistance."
"The hospital can now provide emergency care to the ten wounded people currently undergoing treatment," said Dr Parviz Borakov, the hospital's chief physician. "We may need more support if the fighting continues."
In cooperation with the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan and the local authorities, the ICRC will continue to assess the hospital's needs in order to be able to respond quickly should additional medical supplies be needed.
For further information, please contact:
Mavzuna Mirzoeva, ICRC Dushanbe, tel: +992 37 221 86 60 or +992 90 0001451
Jennifer Tobias, ICRC Geneva, tel: +41 79 536 92 48