

تقرير النشاطات - باللغة العربية

Present in Iraq since the Iran-Iraq war in 1980, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) focuses on addressing the consequences of armed conflicts and other situations of violence. Although large-scale military operations are over, and more attention has been given to recovery and reconstruction efforts; millions of people across Iraq remain in need of some form of humanitarian assistance.

As part of its operations in country, the ICRC Delegation in Iraq seeks to ensure that:

  • People deprived of freedom benefit from adequate living conditions, access to services, and protection against ill-treatment. Their whereabouts are ascertained. 
  • Missing persons are searched for, their fate and whereabouts are clarified, and the most vulnerable families of missing persons improve their capacity to cope with difficulties related to the disappearance. 
  • The rights of the victims of potential episodes of violence in terms of protection and access to essential services are preserved as a result of the efforts of the ICRC and the Red Cross/Red Crescent (RC/RC) Movement partners. 
  • Persons with physical disabilities have access to services and programmes that help them reach their full potential in society. 
  • The Iraqi red Crescent’s institutional and operational capacities to respond to emerging needs are strengthened as a result of the coordinated support of the ICRC and RC/RC Movement partners.

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