Mooters from Thammasat University of Thailand listen to Prosecutors’ presentation in the general round. At last, they make it to the final eight.
Mooters from Thammasat University of Thailand listen to Prosecutors’ presentation in the general round. At last, they make it to the final eight.
Mooters from University of the Philippines Diliman discuss their gains and losses after the first general round.
Purbanchal University of Nepal gets ready for the next round.
The coach of China University of Political Science and Law gives guidance to his mooters.
After the general round, students from Singapore Management University poses for a picture with their counterpart from Handong Global University of South Korea.
Mooters of Royal University of Law and Economics of Cambodia wait anxiously for the results of the general round.
Mooters from Iran School of International Relations listen attentively to their opponents’ statement.
After the first general round, Chinese and foreign coaches for Nanjing University discuss coping strategies for the next round.
In the quarter final, Purbanchal University of Nepal enters the final four following an unexpected win over the University of Auckland from New Zealand.
Judges for the quarter final pose for a picture after the competition.
Mooters from Bond University of Australia are relaxed despite the tension of competition.
The top four teams stand out after the general rounds and the quarter final.
The University of Auckland wins the First Honourable Submission for Prosecution and the Second Honourable Submission for Defence. One of the mooters, Ms. Hannah Reid (front row, first from the right) also wins the First Honourable Mention.
Malaysia Multimedia University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong come to know each other at the competition, with the latter entering the top four.
While waiting for the results of the semifinal, a mooter from Purbanchal University of Nepal is so nervous that he closes his eyes. Unfortunately, they didn’t make it into the final.
Representatives of Bond University and the University of Hong Kong draw lots to decide whether they act as the prosecutor or the defendant in the final.
Mooters from the University of Hong Kong cheer themselves up before the final.
The coach of Bond University gives final instructions ahead of the final.
Though failing to enter the top eight, Peking University wins the First Honourable Submission for Defence. One of the mooters, Ms. Charmaine Hilary Lee wins the Second Honourable Mention.
Mr. Ting-yu Wu from National Taiwan University wins the Best Mooter. His team wins the Best Memorial for Defence.
The University of Hong Kong finishes second place.
Bond University from Australia wins the 15th Red Cross IHL Moot for the Asia-Pacific Region.
One of the presiding judges for the final, Mr. Justice Patrick Chan, Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal in Hong Kong SAR, has been acting as a judge for the competition for 14 years.
The 15th Red Cross International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Moot has recently concluded in Hong Kong. Co-organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the competition has gathered 24 teams from 21 cities/universities across the Asia Pacific region, with Bond University from Australia becoming the winner, followed by the University of Hong Kong. Wu Ting-yu from National Taiwan University has won the Best Mooter. The judges have also been impressed by the mooters' academic performance and perseverance. The annual competition has become an important platform for students from across the Asia-Pacific Region to communicate on issues concerning IHL and humanitarian actions.
Let's now take a look back at the four-day competition that has seen nervousness, smiles, perseverance, team spirit and friendship, among others.