Iraq: Displaced people share their dramatic stories

21-02-2014 Feature

The consequences for civilians of the escalating violence in the Iraqi province of Al Anbar are growing as fighting shows no signs of letting up.

Abu Ali's journey through despair

Thousands of people fled the affected areas in search of safety. Yet like the family of Abu Ali, they find hardship and many new challenges.

Heavy burden of uncertain future

Many people had to flee, leaving their entire lives behind. Khaled’s mother stayed in Fallujah. Although the man’s family found safe haven, many of their questions remain unanswered.

What ICRC did in Iraq in January 2014
  • More than 4,000 households involving some 26,000 people, displaced as a result of the recent violence in Al-Anbar province, received food and basic household necessities;
  • Water tanks were distributed to improve access to drinking water for nearly 700 people in Al Rahhaliya who fled their homes escaping violence in Al-Anbar province;
  • Some 35,000 patients benefited from medical treatment provided in 13 ICRC-supported primary health-care centres;
  • Al-Yarmouk hospital in Baghdad received on-site support from an ICRC surgeon in order to improve its emergency services capacity;
  • More than 2,200 patients received care at ten ICRC-supported and one ICRC-operated physical rehabilitation centres.