31st International Conference 2011: Resolution 3 - Migration

01-12-2011 Resolution

Migration: Ensuring access, dignity, respect for diversity and social tnclusion

31st International Conference of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, Geneva, Switzerland, 28 November-1 December 2011

The 31st International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (International Conference),

acknowledging the importance of respect for the human dignity and protection of all migrants, and expressing its deep concern about the continued suffering of those migrants that may live outside conventional health, social and legal systems and for a variety of reasons may not have access to processes which guarantee respect for their fundamental rights;

recognizing, the many benefits of migration and acknowledging the contributions of migrants to countries of origin, transit and destination as well as the challenges that international migration may present;

recalling the Declaration “Together for humanity” (Declaration) adopted by the 30th International Conference which reaffirmed “the importance of examining ways and means to reinforce international cooperation at all levels to address the humanitarian concerns generated by international migration.”,

recalling further that the Declaration acknowledged the role of governments, within the framework of national laws and international law, especially international human rights law, refugee law and international humanitarian law, to address the humanitarian needs of persons negatively affected by migration, including families and communities, and to take effective measures.”,

reaffirming as set out in the Declaration “the role of National Societies, based on the principles of humanity and impartiality, and in consultation with public authorities, in providing humanitarian assistance to vulnerable migrants irrespective of their legal status.”,

expressing concern about the often alarming humanitarian situation of migrants in situations of vulnerability, at all stages of their journey and ongoing risks that migrants, in situations of vulnerability, face in regards to their dignity, safety, access to international protection as well as access to health care, shelter, food, clothing and education,

recalling previous commitments made by States and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Movement) to engage in the promotion of non-violence, respect for diversity and social inclusion of all migrants,

recalling the responsibility of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (National Societies) to act at all times in accordance with the Fundamental Principles and the Statutes of the Movement,

welcoming the background report highlighting the progress achieved in carrying out the commitments undertaken at the 30th International Conference, and the Policy on Migration adopted by the 17th Session of the General Assembly of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (International Federation) and endorsed by the Council of Delegates in 2009,

recognizing that acting in accordance with the Statutes of the Movement, in particular Article 3.1, National Societies should enjoy effective access to all migrants, irrespective of their legal status, in order to deliver humanitarian assistance and protection services without being penalized, both in their role as auxiliaries to the public authorities in the humanitarian field at all levels and under their general humanitarian mandate;

  1. requests States, in consultation with National Societies, to ensure that relevant laws and procedures are in place to enable National Societies, in conformity with the Statutes of the Movement and, in particular, the Fundamental Principles, to enjoy effective and safe access to all migrants without discrimination and irrespective of their legal status;
  2. calls upon States, within the framework of applicable international law, to ensure that their national procedures at international borders, especially those that might result in denial of access to international protection, deportation or interdiction of persons, include adequate safeguards to protect the dignity and ensure the safety of all migrants. States are also called on, in line with such relevant international law and national legislation, to grant to migrants appropriate international protection and to ensure their access to relevant services, such as Restoring Family Links. States and National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are invited to consult in the implementation of the aforementioned safeguards, as appropriate;
  3. strongly encourages enhanced cooperation between public authorities, at all levels, and National Societies to pursue practical actions in formal and non-formal settings:
    a. to promote respect for diversity, non-violence and social inclusion of all migrants;
    b. to enhance cultural awareness between migrant and local communities;
    c. to promote through formal and non-formal education, humanitarian values and the development of interpersonal skills to live peacefully together; and
    d. to enhance social cohesion through the engagement of local and migrant populations and civil society organizations in voluntary service, community and sport programmes;
  4. encourages States and the components of the Movement, in conformity with the Fundamental Principles and Statutes of the Movement, to continue to collaborate and build partnerships which recognize the role of the Movement in working with migrants and which could include relevant partners from international organisations (such as the International
    Organization for Migration (IOM), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), nongovernmental organizations and the private sector;
  5. requests the International Federation to submit to the 32nd International Conference in 2015 a report on the measures taken in implementing the provisions of this resolution.