Kenya, Djibouti and Tanzania: Facts and Figures 2021

This bulletin contains an overview of our operations in Kenya, Djibouti, and Tanzania in 2021.
In 2021, the ICRC Nairobi Regional Delegation continued its work in places of detention focusing on inmate living conditions, reuniting families separated by conflict, and assisting affected populations in areas hit by violence and climate shocks.
We sought to promote knowledge and respect for International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and cultivate acceptance for humanitarian norms and principles among security forces, religious circles, academic circles, and other key stakeholders in the region. In addition, Important conversations were held on the issue of data protection in humanitarian operations.

An inmate at the Nairobi Remand Prison walks back to the quarantine centre after getting his COVID-19 test
ICRC supported health structures with emergency response capability, assisted persons with disabilities in Tanzania, and, most importantly, supported humanitarian operations across Africa through our Nairobi Logistics support center. Our regional teams and the Learning and Development Centre continued to support colleagues all around Africa and the world.

A fleet of ICRC Trucks ready to take humanitarian assistance in the region
Our ongoing collaboration with the Kenya Red Cross Society, the Tanzania Red Cross Society, and the Djibouti Red Crescent Society also aided in the development of a stronger Red Cross Red Crescent Movement response, a much-needed intervention in ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of armed conflict and other forms of violence.