IKRK-Delegation der Afrikanischen Union
Die Delegation des IKRK bei der Afrikanischen Union (AU) mit Sitz in Addis Abeba arbeitet mit der AU zusammen, um die Aufmerksamkeit auf humanitäre Fragen zu lenken, die Umsetzung des humanitären Völkerrechts in ganz Afrika zu fördern und das Bewusstsein für die Rolle und die Aktivitäten des IKRK auf dem Kontinent zu stärken. Im Rahmen des 1992 zwischen dem IKRK und der Organisation der Afrikanischen Einheit, dem Vorläufer der Afrikanischen Union, unterzeichneten Kooperationsabkommens arbeitet die Delegation des IKRK bei der AU eng mit der Kommission und den Mitgliedstaaten der AU zusammen und tauscht Erfahrungen und Ansichten über humanitäre Folgen von Konflikten aus. Die Delegation des IKRK bei der AU hat Beobachterstatus.
Weitere Dokumente (alle in englischer Sprache):
African Union: ICRC calls on all parties to conflict to respect IHL in urban warfare - Statement, 04-12-2018
African Union: Military Attachés Association briefed on the humanitarian situation in DR Congo - Article, 14-11-2018
African Union: Respect of Law of War protects women and girls during conflict - Statement, 19-10-2018
AU–ICRC Roundtable on Operationalization of the obligation to ensure respect for IHL - news release, 01-06-2018
The ICRC pays courtesy visit to the AU Commissioner for Political Affairs - article, 22-03-2018
African Union: 40th anniversary of Additional Protocols of the Geneva Conventions - article, 22-12-2017
Briefing to Military Attachés association on the Lake Chad Basin Region - article, 15-12-2017
40th anniversary of Additional Protocols of the Geneva Conventions - 04-12-2017
Focus on the humanitarian crisis in the Sahel- article, 01-11-2017
The 13th Joint AU-ICRC held - article, 19-10-2017
International Day of Peace 2017 - article, 26-09-2017
ICRC delegation to the African Union presents credentials to African Union chairperson - article, 07-09-2017
ICRC called on states to address the issue of violence against health care - 24-08-2017
ICRC and the African Union commemorate 25 years of partnership - article, 09-06-2017
The ICRC stresses the need to protect migrant children - article, 13-06-2017
The ICRC emphasizes that violations of IHL/IHRL worsen humanitarian suffering - article, 13-06-2017
ICRC and African RECs discuss migration, arms proliferation and respect of IHL - article, 02-06-2017
Roundtable on ensuring respect of international humanitarian law in peace support missions in Africa - article, 31-05-2017
African Union: Launch of the Swahili version of the Luanda Guidelines - article, 26-04-2017
ICRC, ACHPR, APCOF AND Tanzanian Police Force commemorate African Pre-Trial Detention Day - news release, 25-04-2017
AU and ICRC call on states to respect the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, the Convention on Cluster Munitions and other relevant treaties - article, 07-04-2017
Joint statement of the ICRC and the African Union on the occasion of the International Day for Mine Awareness - news release, 05-04-2017
African Union: ICRC delegation meets African Policing Civilians Oversight Forum - article, 16-02-2017
African Union: Defense attachés receive ICRC briefing on South Sudan - article, 16-02-2017
Ensuring respect of IHL in multinational operations - article, 31-05-2016
ICRC and African Union remain committed to strengthened collaboration - news release, 24-02-2015
African Union: ICRC president calls for unhindered access for humanitarian workers - photo gallery, 14-11-2014
African Union: Seminar on protection of health services - news release, 23-10-2014
African Union: Protection of health care services in armed conflict and other emergencies - seminar, 22-10-2014
Over 20 years of ICRC-AU partnership - photo gallery
African Union: Experts discuss assistance for victims of mines and other explosive devices - news release, 04-03-2014
African Union: Experts discuss weapon contamination in Africa - news release, 04-03-2013
ICRC president to visit African Union headquarters - news release, 18-10-2012
ICRC welcomes entry into force of Kampala Convention for displaced persons - news release - includes video, 05-12-2012
African Union: Joint seminar with ICRC on protecting civilians amid war and other violence - 11-11-2011