Safer Access Publications and Resources

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The guide

The guide is a core component of the Safer Access Practical Resource Pack, which is designed to support National Societies in fulfilling their humanitarian mandate and roles, particularly when working in sensitive and insecure contexts, including armed conflict and internal disturbances and tensions.

Download the Safer Access guide.
Order the Safer Access Guide.

The Introduction

A brief overview of the Safer Access emergency preparedness and development approach, with a focus on the Safer Access Framework. This publication summarizes the main aspects of the Framework, explains why it is an essential tool for all National Societies and gives some initial guidance on when and how to apply it. It is a component of the Safer Access Practical Resource Pack, which contains additional materials providing more detailed descriptions and guidance, tools and examples of National Society experiences.

Download the Safer Access Introduction.
Order the Safer Access Introduction.

Safer Access Resource Pack CD-ROM

The materials in the Safer Access Practical Resource Pack have been created with and for the National Societies. This CD-ROM contains all of the Pack products which aim to help National Societies increase their acceptance, security and access when carrying out their humanitarian work in sensitive and insecure circumstances.

Order the Safer Access Resource Pack CD-ROM.

The Safer Access Framework chart

The SAF chart provides a complete rundown of the recommended preparedness actions and acceptance measures grouped under eight headings or "elements". When applied in a context-specific and structured manner, in tandem with the Fundamental Principles, these actions and measures have been shown to increase National Societies' acceptance, security and access to people and communities in need.

Download the Safer Access Framework chart.
Download the Safer Access Framework quick reference chart.

Safer Access Framework: Power Point Presentation

This presentation gives an overview of the Safer Access core guide and highlights the benefits for all NS of incorporating the Safer Access approach into their overall assessment and planning processes. The various resources contained in the Safer Access Practical Resource pack are explained.

Download the Safer Access Framework: Power Point Presentation.

The Safer Access poster

The Safer Access poster is a visually representation of the process leading to increased acceptance, security and access as described in 'Safer Access: a guide for all National Societies', p. 76 

Download the Safer Access Poster.

The Safer Access Practical Resource Pack flyer

The Safer Access Practical Resource Pack flyer highlights the purpose, benefit and contents of the pack.

Download the Safer Access Practical Resource Pack flyer.
Order the Safer Access Practical Resource Pack flyer.

Staying Alive: safety and security guidelines for humanitarian volunteers in conflict areas

With its expert practical advice on security in situations of armed conflict, this updated set of guidelines will prove invaluable to humanitarian personnel working at the operational level.

Download Staying Alive.
Order Staying Alive.